Mobility scooter vs powered wheelchair – which one should I choose?

With the better weather upon us – deciding which product is most appropriate is an important choice and there is a variety of factors to consider. To help people make an informed decision it is important to consider the pros and cons of both the electric wheelchair and the mobility scooter. Below we have listed some of these to help you with choosing the correct mobility product for you.
Electric wheelchair
- 4-6 wheels
- Steered by a joystick
- Highly Manoeuvrable
- Tight turning circle
- Suitable for both outdoor and indoor use
- Wide variety of seat options
- Comfortable for long periods
- Support for postural issues
- Highly durable and stable
- Easier to use on public transport
- Ability to get closer to tables/countertops
- Options for folding versions
To Consider
- A powered wheelchair will be heavier than an entry level mobility scooter
- May require a car hoist/wheelchair accessible vehicle
- Usually more expensive
- Less storage
- Usually drives slower
Mobility scooter
- Mostly outdoor use
- Wide variety/models available
- More affordable
- More storage space.
- Usually drives quicker
- Easier to carry or put in/out of a vehicle
- Options for folding versions
To Consider
- Usually not as stable
- Not as comfortable for long periods
- Usually only appropriate for people with good upper body strength and dexterity to control and operate the scooter
- Has a wider turning circle – is usually not as appropriate for indoor spaces
So, mobility scooter vs powered wheelchair – which one? Choosing the right mobility product depends on a variety of factors including how/when it will be used. If you have any difficulty in deciding on which product is right for you – why not call your local Occupational Therapist or use our Find An OT – OT HUB (it’s FREE). Your local OT will help provide you with the help/advice on which product is most appropriate for you.